Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How to create a new page in Webtop - Documentum

New to Documentum or Webtop and trying to create a custom page for getting input or changing settings or sending an item to a queue?

Want to get to the page using that dropdown menu Webtop has?

Important terminology.
  • A page in Webtop is called a Component
  • The dropdown menu above the objects is called the Menubar
This is all part of the documentum WDK (Web Development Kit). I recommend downloading the JavaDoc from EMC Developer Network. You will need to sign up but it is free and there is lots of good Documentum related stuff on there.

Anyway on to creating your Webtop Component. This document will guide you through the creation.
Read this document on Scribd: HelloWorldWDKComponent

If you want to do some actions when the Ok or Cancel buttons are pressed in the component.... Here is the code for the webtop OK button and Cancel button events:

    public boolean onCommitChanges() {
//this method is called when the user clicks the OK button

public boolean onCancelChanges() {
//this method is called when the user clicks the cancel button
And remember to download the WDK API javadoc. This zip also contains the difference between WDK version 5.3 and 6.

Post a comment or email me if you have any questions.

Read this doc on Scribd: HelloWorldWDKComponent

1 comment:

Joe Hopkins said...

This document shows how to go more indepth with the custom component: